联络方式 / Contact Info:

Message or call us through mobile applications like Whatsapp or Wechat.


  • WechatID: Sinler8778
  • Tel: +6017-726 0969
  • FB: sinlertransportation

1. For any changes you wish to make, SL Travelers must be informed 24 hours before the traveling date.
2. Payment by cash to driver upon arrival your destination.

1. 如有任何更改,您必须在旅行日期前24小时通知SL Travelers。
2. 到达目的地后以现金付给司机。

Trip Type: / 旅游选项:

旅行的主题 / Subject Of Trip:
Pick-Up Details / 接送资料
*出发日期 / Departure Date:
*出发时间 / Departure Time:
*回程日期 / Return Date:
*出发点 / Pick-Up Address:
*目的地 / Drop-off Address:
Passengers / 乘客
*乘客数量 / Passengers:
*行李箱 / Luggage :